The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

4,987 files in 91 albums with 0 comments viewed 579,340 times
Jim "Tex" Shelton


Jim was on hand for the nightmare of LZ St. George.

30 files, last one added on Mar 13, 2022
Album viewed 53 times

Joe Sleevi


17 files, last one added on Jun 29, 2017
Album viewed 57 times

Walt Shields


Walt Shields provides some of the very best quality of the "cannoncockers" in action!

15 files, last one added on Feb 07, 2018
Album viewed 54 times

Ambrose Smurra


31 files, last one added on Sep 30, 2017
Album viewed 60 times

Gary Dean Springer


Lt Gary Dean Springer served as the FO for Bravo Company, 1st Bn 14th Inf Regiment and later served as the 2/9th Arty Ammo Officer and Battery Commander of "D" Battery (temporary operations). His tour covers August, 1966 to August, 1967.

267 files, last one added on Dec 09, 2014
Album viewed 67 times

Jim Stoltz


Jim Stoltz was a Cannoneer with "A" Battery on LZ Incoming and was on hand for the attack that destroyed one howitzer and other pieces of equipment.

32 files, last one added on Jun 28, 2018
Album viewed 59 times

91 albums on 16 page(s) 13