DTurner-1.jpgA General visits
Chris_Herrick_-_Bill_Farmer.jpgLt Chris Herrick and Lt Bill FarmerLt Herrick sitting on the passenger side and Lt Farmer in the driver's seat. Herrick served in the Bn S-3 shop and commanded the temporary "D" Battery. Bill Farmer was KIA on an FO assignment.
DTurner-3.jpgDuster on DutyA "Twin-40" Duster guards a trail.
DTurner-5.jpgAwards PresentationBn CO LtCol Bruce Holbrook at awards ceremony.
DTurner-6.jpgAwards Presentation
DTurner-7.jpgBunker BuildingAll the elements are there: Aiming Circle, Jeep, sandbags stacked and augmented with steel grating.
DTurner-8.jpgClearly a LandmarkYou can find this one on a map for sure.
DTurner-9.jpgAerial of the Highlands
DTurner-10.jpgOur 105mm "popgun" artillery
DTurner-11.jpgFiring; round on the wayNote the classic moment: putting one's fingers in one's ears!