
DP12a.JPGOff dutyOff duty in the tent. Others on my shift were Glen Bruney and Ronnie Crowe (both leaning against sandbags). Jim Castelletti (clerk) in the foreground.

DP13a.JPGLZ Mile HighSpring, 1968. "A" Battery had just moved into this hill, midway between Kontum and the Cambodian border. The hill had been cleared for their landing by a B-52 run. FDC conex at right. Hill was later heavily mortared. They shared this hill with the Inf Bn HQ.

DP14a.JPGCambodia in the distanceSpring, 1968, LZ Mickey Mouse (possibly this is "A" Battery"). View southwest from LZ Mile High; Cambodia in distance. Black tubes in pile are 105mm ammo canisters (2 per box).

DP15a.JPGKontum Bridge - LZ Mickey MouseSummer, 1968. Kontum Bridge, which is just south of town on road going south to Pleiku. We frequently swam below the bridge & it was a popular watering hole for Kontum residents and an occasional water buffalo. Area wasn't always safe: the NVA vowed to take the bridge & city for Ho Chi Minh's birthday. Also saw a Viet cop kill a VC suspect here.

DP16a.JPGFDC TOC - LZ OasisSummer, 1968. Glen Bruney on duty here. This bunker was a complex of rooms made from CONEX containers. These were our main radios on command freq. Switchboard to DivArty at right. Command map at left showing battery circles (ranges). Plastic overlays used to plot targets & troop locations. Clipboard itemized arty fire missions.

Puppy_at_Oasis.jpgYoung pup at LZ OasisHe adopted us; we didn't adopt him. Cute little fella stands on a 5-gal water can that providing water for drinking, shaving, etc.
LZ Oasis, 1968

Price_Reunion_1.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceField Firing Demo: the 777 155mm howitzer

Price_Reunion_2.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceThe 777 155mm howitzer on field display.

Price_Reunion_3.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceBang...there it goes. The compression was almost as strong as the noise.

Price_Reunion_4.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceWe toured the Basic Training barracks and met with the training staff.

Price_Reunion_5.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price"Old Vets" on tour: Charles Skidmore, Dave Price, Wayne Crochet, John "Moon" Mullins, and Lee Dixon.

Price_Reunion_6.jpgReunion Photos - Dave PriceToday's FDC? Not quite! All the computer laptops were behind these men out of sight. The old firing chart with RDP and square are on display...probably just for our benefit to remind us of our time in service.